Change a child’s future through education
Back to School is changing the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children in some of the most impoverished rural communities and slums. You can be part of this story by giving £7 / $10 / R100 a month or more to help a precious child to complete school, thrive and look to the future with hope in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Ready to sign up? Please set up a regular donation using the link below. E3 will send you details of the community you are supporting and an email update twice a year so you can see the difference it is making in children’s lives. Giving annually minimises admin costs.
For options to avoid donation fees, visit the relevant country page (right of video)
How your support helps
Your monthly or annual donation will provide the following to a child each school year:
Plus, they will also know that people they have never met care enough to support them. It means such a lot to the children.
In return, we will send you two reports each year by email about how Back to School is changing lives in the community you are supporting. We are committed to managing all funds and the administration of the project with integrity and transparency.
Children’s lives are already changing for the better
Your support helps a child escape the cycle of poverty
A gift of just £7 / $10 / R100 a month can support one child in South Africa to attend school and complete their education.
You can set up a regular donation to Back to School or give a one-off donation through the link below. Please note that if you can give your support annually this minimises administration costs.
If you wish to give avoid transaction fees, please set up a standing order/regular bank transfer using these details:
Danske Bank
Account Name: E3 Initiative
Account Number: 00060208
Sort Code: 95-06-79
Please include Back to School in the payment reference.