Our Ethos
Christ came to proclaim “good news to the poor” – the sick and the suffering, the marginalised, and the oppressed. He did this through what he said and through his actions, so that people would experience the power of the living and loving God and experience new life in Him.
Our name, “E3 Initiative” is inspired by Ephesians 3, which explains how the local church is God’s agent in this work. Our three foundational values – engaging churches, empowering leaders and entrusting the process of transformation – are centred on verse 10 of that chapter: “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known…”
These values inform everything we do – whether the focus is on developing leaders to grow healthy churches or helping them to find ways to reach out and enable their churches to transform communities.
Engaging churches
We are inspired by Ephesians 3:10 and are convinced that local churches lie at the heart of God’s purposes. All our efforts are driven by this, which means working alongside those who build healthy churches and empowering them to share God’s love in word and action in their communities.
Empowering leaders
God calls churches to proclaim his love and justice to the world, which is why we are committed to empowering their leaders through training as well as deliberate action so that churches serve the poor and marginalised in the name of Christ. We help leaders strengthen their churches and work to transform their communities spiritually and practically.
Entrusting the process of transformation
We don’t believe in using churches to achieve our own development goals. They understand their local situation and how best to respond to needs in a sustainable way. Whilst we provide ongoing support and training, and encourage shared learning and experiences between E3 partners, we entrust the process of transformation to them, because they know best.