Zimele Wethu

Zimele Wethu Foundation (ZWF) helps people living in poverty to build a better future for themselves and their communities through a Self-Help Group Programme (SHG) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. People, mostly women in rural communities, are mobilised into groups where they are trained and then save money and access loans to set up small businesses. They also work together to start social initiatives such as childcare for orphaned and vulnerable children, home-based care projects and agricultural activities.

The Self-Help Group programme gives poor people the power to transform their lives, support each other and jointly respond to the social issues of the wider community. Benefits include food security, improved and sustainable incomes, growth of local businesses, support systems when families are going through a difficult time, improved care for vulnerable groups and breaking the power of illegal loan businesses and the exorbitant interest rates they charge.

Zimele Wethu works in five extremely poor rural communities, where women are the most affected because they continue to suffer male dominance in decision making processes and inequality in accessing assets such as land, well-paying jobs or influential leadership roles. The impact of the AIDS pandemic over the last decade has greatly exacerbated the burden of poverty and the survival of poor rural households often depends on the economic contributions of the women.

E3’s partnership:

  • Involves more than 800 women in Self-Help Groups, including training in savings and loans management, planning, communication, conflict resolution and basic business skills. Runs Bible Studies and prayer sessions in the groups to encourage spiritual growth.

  • Funds Life Skills workshops for young people to help them through the challenges they face and encourage them to make good choices in life.

  • Runs gender-based violence workshops to raise awareness, encourage people to speak out and help communities support those affected.

  • Bought four computers for a SHG-run computer school in Durban, which will enhance young people’s skills in a community where there is no college.

  • Provided tools and equipment to 14 women who are running a block-making business.

  • Helps fund travel costs for the Programme Manager and the Community Liaison officer who travel to conduct training and Bible studies in the five communities.

  • Grant from E3: £9,091

  • Sustainability loan of £4,000 in 2020 has been repaid in full: Zimele Wethu bought a flat to rent out to students, which is generating an income to help fund its work.

Audrey Matimelo directs the project.

Audrey Matimelo directs the project.

“We are so grateful that you didn’t 'give us bread', but 'taught us how to bake bread'. We are proud of what we have done.”

One of the ladies who belongs to the Self-Help Group, which makes blocks to sell. Empowering people through small businesses so they can earn their own income, brings dignity and hope and enables people to escape the cycle of poverty.